
[* / †] indicates co- [first/ senior] authorship

Preprints, 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006,


Consensus prediction of cell type labels with popV
C. Ergen, G. Xing, C. Xu, M. Jayasuriya, E. McGeever, A.O. Pisco, A. Streets, N. Yosef
bioRxiv ,
bioRxiv preprint
Deep generative modeling for quantifying sample-level heterogeneity in single-cell omics
P. Boyeau*, J. Hong*, A. Gayoso, M. Kim, JL. McFaline-Figueroa, M. Jordan, E. Azizi, C. Ergen\†, N. Yosef\†
bioRxiv , 2024
bioRxiv preprint
Calibrated Identification of Feature Dependencies in Single-cell Multiomics
P. Boyeau, S. Bates, C. Ergen, MI. Jordan, N. Yosef
bioRxiv , 2024
bioRxiv preprint
Scvi-hub: an actionable repository for model-driven single cell analysis
C. Ergen, VV. Pour Amiri, M. Kim, A. Streets, A. Gayoso, N. Yosef
bioRxiv , 2024
bioRxiv preprint
ConvexML: Scalable and accurate inference of single-cell chronograms from CRISPR/Cas9 lineage tracing data
S. Prillo, A. Ravoor, N. Yosef\†, YS. Song\†
bioRxiv , 2024
bioRxiv preprint
Tree reconstruction guarantees from CRISPR-Cas9 lineage tracing data using Neighbor-Joining
S. Prillo, K. An, W. Wu, I. Kristanto, MG. Jones, YS. Song\† , N. Yosef\†
bioRxiv , 2024
AutoEval Done Right: Using Synthetic Data for Model Evaluation
P. Boyeau, AN. Angelopoulos, N. Yosef, J. Malik, MI. Jordan
arXiv , 2024
Directed Shortest Walk on Temporal Graphs
A. Khodaverdian and N. Yosef
bioRxiv , 2024
bioRxiv preprint
Multimodal profiling reveals tissue-directed signatures of human immune cells altered with age
SB. Wells*, DB. Rainbow*, M. Mark*, PA. Szabo*, C. Ergen*, A. Maceiras*, DP. Caron, E. Rahmani, E. Benuck, V. Pour Amiri, D. Chen, A. Wagner, SK. Howlett, LB. Jarvis, KL. Ellis, M. Kubota, R. Matsumoto, K. Mahbubani, K. Saeb-Parsy, C. Dominguez-Conde, L. Richardson, C. Xu, S. Li, L. Mamanova, L. Bolt, A. Wilk, SA. Teichmann\†, DL. Farber\†, PA. Sims\†, JL. Jones\†, N. Yosef\†
bioRxiv , 2024
bioRxiv preprint


Deep generative modeling of transcriptional dynamics for RNA velocity analysis in single cells
A. Gayoso*, P. Weiler*, M. Lotfollahi, D. Klein, J. Hong, A. Streets, FJ. Theis†, N. Yosef†
Nature Methods , 2024
NF-κB inhibitor alpha has a cross-variant role during SARS-CoV-2 infection in ACE2-overexpressing human airway organoids
CR. Simoneau*, P. Chen*, GK. Xing*, MM. Khalid, NL. Meyers, JM. Hayashi, TY. Taha, KE. Leon, T. Ashuach, KA. Fontaine, L. Rodriguez, B. Joehnk, K. Walcott, S. Vasudevan, X. Fang, M. Maishan, S. Schultz, J. Roose, MA. Matthay, A. Sil, M. Arjomandi, N. Yosef†, M. Ott†
Scientific Reports , 2024
CAGI, the Critical Assessment of Genome Interpretation, establishes progress and prospects for computational genetic variant interpretation methods
The Critical Assessment of Genome Interpretation Consortium
Genome Biology , 2024
Human γδ T cells in diverse tissues exhibit site-specific maturation dynamics across the life span
Gray, J. I., Caron, D. P., Wells, S. B., Guyer, R., Szabo, P., Rainbow, D., Ergen, C., Rybkina, K., Bradley, M. C., Matsumoto, R., Pethe, K., Kubota, M., Teichmann, S., Jones, J., Yosef, N., Atkinson, M., Brusko, M., Brusko, T. M., Connors, T. J., Sims, P. A., Farber, D. L.
Genome Biology , 2024
PERCEPTION predicts patient response and resistance to treatment using single-cell transcriptomics of their tumors
Sinha, S., Vegesna, R., Mukherjee, S., Kammula, A. V., Dhruba, S. R., Wu, W., Kerr, D. L., Nair, N. U., Jones, M. G., Yosef, N., Stroganov, O. V., Grishagin, I., Aldape, K. D., Blakely, C. M., Jiang, P., Thomas, C. J., Benes, C. H., Bivona, T. G., Schäffer, A. A., & Ruppin, E.
Nature cancer , 2024
Time-resolved single-cell transcriptomics defines immune trajectories in glioblastoma
D. Kirschenbaum, K. Xie, F. Ingelfinger, Y. Katzenelenbogen, K. Abadie, T. Look, F. Sheban, T. San Phan, B. Li, P. Zwicky, I. Yofe, E. David, K. Mazuz, J. Hou, Y. Chen, H. Shaim, M. Shanley, S. Becker, J. Qian, M. Colonna, F. Ginhoux, K. Rezvani, FJ. Theis, N. Yosef, T. Weiss, A. Weiner, I. Amit
Cell , 2024
Optimizing sequence design strategies for perturbation MPRAs: a computational evaluation framework
J. Liu, T. Ashuach, F. Inoue, N. Ahituv, N. Yosef, A. Kreimer
Nucleic Acids Research , 2024


Single-cell multi-omic analysis of thymocyte development reveals NFAT as a driver of CD4/CD8 lineage commitment
Z. Steier, LL. McIntyre, LK. Lutes, T Huang, EA. Robey†, N. Yosef†, A. Streets†
Nature Immunology , 2023
An Empirical Bayes Method for Differential Expression Analysis of Single Cells with Deep Generative Models
P. Boyeau, J. Regier, A. Gayoso, M.I. Jordan, R. Lopez†, N. Yosef†
Proc Natl Acad Sci , 2023
MultiVI: deep generative model for the integration of multi-modal data.
T. Ashuach*, M. Gabitto*, M. Jordan, N. Yosef
Nature Methods , 2023
Theoretical Guarantees for Phylogeny Inference from Single-Cell Lineage Tracing
R. Wang*, RY. Zhang*, A. Khodaverdian*, Nir Yosef
Proc Natl Acad Sci , 2023
The scverse project provides a computational ecosystem for single-cell omics data analysis
Virshup I*, Bredikhin D*, Heumos L*, Palla G*, Sturm G*, Gayoso A*, Kats I, Koutrouli M; Scverse Community; Berger B, Pe’er D, Regev A, Teichmann SA, Finotello F†, Wolf FA†, Yosef N†, Stegle O†, Theis FJ†
Nature Biotechnology , 2023
Hepatitis C Virus Infects and Perturbs Liver Stem Cells
Meyers NL, Ashuach T, Lyons DE, Simoneau CR, Erickson AL, Bouhaddou M, Nguyen TT, Khalid MM, Taha TY, Natajaran V, Baron JL, Neff N, Zanini F, Mahmoud T, Quake SR, Krogan NJ, Cooper S, McDevitt TC, N. Yosef†, M. Ott†
mBio , 2023
Sodium perturbs mitochondrial respiration and induces dysfunctional Tregs
B.F. Côrte-Real, I. Hamad, R. Arroyo Hornero, S. Geisberger, J. Roels, L. Van Zeebroeck, A. Dyczko, M.W. van Gisbergen, H. Kurniawan, A. Wagner, N. Yosef, S.N.Y. Weiss, K.G. Schmetterer, A. Schröder, L. Krampert, S. Haase, H. Bartolomaeus, N. Hellings, Y. Saeys, L.J. Dubois, D. Brenner, S. Kempa, D.A. Hafler, J. Stegbauer, R.A. Linker, J. Jantsch, D.N. Müller, M. Kleinewietfeld
Cell Metabolism , 2023


Induction of a colitogenic phenotype in Th1 cells depends on interleukin 23 receptor signaling
M. Pawlak*, D. DeTomaso*, GM. zu Horste, Y. Lee, J. Nyman, D. Dionne, C. Wang, A. Wallrapp, PR. Burkett, SJ. Riesenfeld, AC. Anderson, A. Regev, RJ. Xavier, N. Yosef†, VK. Kuchroo†
Immunity (in press) , 2022
A Python library for probabilistic analysis of single-cell omics data.
A. Gayoso*, R. Lopez*, G. Xing*, P. Boyeau, V. Valiollah Pour Amiri, J. Hong, K. Wu, M. Jayasuriya, E. Melhman, M. Langevin, Y. Liu, J. Samaran, G. Misrachi, A. Nazaret, O. Clivio, C. Xu, T. Ashuach, M. Lotfollahi, V.Svensson, E. da Veiga Beltrame, V. Kleshchevnikov, C. Talavera-Lopez, L. Pachter, F.J. Theis, A. Streets, M.I. Jordan, J. Regier, N. Yosef
Nature Biotechnology , 2022
bioRxiv preprint
DestVI identifies continuums of cell types in spatial transcriptomics data
R. Lopez*, B. Li*, H. Keren-Shaul*, P. Boyeau, M. Kedmi, D. Pilzer, A.Jelinski, E. David, A. Wagner, Y. Addadi, M.I. Jordan, I. Amit†, N. Yosef†
Nature Biotechnology , 2022
Batf-mediated Epigenetic Control of Effector CD8+ T Cell Differentiation.
H.W. Tsao*, J. Kaminski*, M. Kurachi, R.A. Barnitz, M.A. DiIorio, M.W. LaFleur, W. Ise, T. Kurosaki, E.J. Wherry, W.N. Haining†, N. Yosef†
Science Immunology , 2022
Lineage tracing reveals the phylodynamics, plasticity, and paths of tumor evolution
D. Yang*, MG. Jones*, S. Naranjo, WM. Rideout III, KH. Min, R. Ho, W. Wu, RM. Replogle, JL. Page, JJ. Quinn, F. Horns, X. Qiu, MZ. Chen, WA. Freed-Pastor, CS. McGinnis, DM. Patterson, ZJ. Gartner, ED. Chow, TG. Bivona, MM. Chan, N. Yosef†, T. Jacks†, JS. Weissman†
Cell , 2022
The Tabula Sapiens: a single cell transcriptomic atlas of multiple organs from individual human donors
The Tabula Sapiens Consortium
Science , 2022
Identifying systematic variation at the single-cell level by leveraging low-resolution population-level data.
E. Rahmani, MI. Jordan, N. Yosef
RECOMB , 2022
bioRxiv preprint
Identifying cell-state associated alternative splicing events and their co-regulation
CF. Buen Abad Najar, P. Burra, N. Yosef†, LF. Lareau†
Genome Research , 2022
bioRxiv preprint
Systems-based approaches to study immunometabolism.
V. Purohit, A. Wagner, N. Yosef, V.K. Kuchroo
Cellular & Molecular Immunology , 2022
PeakVI: A Deep Generative Model for Single Cell Chromatin Accessibility Analysis.
T. Ashuach, DA. Reidenbach, A. Gayoso, N. Yosef
Cell Reports Methods , 2022
Interactive, integrated analysis of single-cell transcriptomic and phylogenetic data with PhyloVision
MG. Jones*, Y. Rosen*, N. Yosef
Cell Reports Methods , 2022
Content Sharing link
Massively parallel reporter perturbation assays uncover temporal regulatory architecture during neural differentiation
A. Kreimer*, T. Ashuach*, F. Inoue*, A. Khodaverdian, N. Yosef†, N. Ahituv†
Nature Communications , 2022
Ets21C sustains a pro-regenerative transcriptional program in blastema cells of Drosophila imaginal discs.
MI .Worley*, N. Everetts*, R. Yasutomi, RJ. Chang, S. Saretha, N. Yosef†, IK. Hariharan†
Current Biology , 2022
Characterization of transcript enrichment and detection bias in single-nucleus RNA-seq for mapping of distinct human adipocyte lineages
A. Gupta, F. Shamsi, N. Altemose, GF. Dorlhiac, AM. Cypess, AP. White, N. Yosef, ME. Patti, Y. Tseng, A. Streets
Genome Research , 2022
CXCR3 regulates stem and proliferative CD8+ T cells during chronic infection by promoting interactions with DCs in splenic bridging channels
DJ. Bangs, A. Tsitsiklis, Z. Steier, SW. Chan, J. Kaminski, A. Streets, N. Yosef, EA. Robey
Cell Reports , 2022
Mucosal Vaccination with Cyclic Dinucleotide Adjuvants Induces Effective T Cell Homing and IL-17–Dependent Protection against Mycobacterium tuberculosis Infection
RM. Jong, E. Van Dis, SB. Berry, X. Nguyenla, A. Baltodano, G. Pastenkos, C. Xu, D. Fox, N. Yosef, SM. McWhirter, SA. Stanley
J Immunol , 2022
Alveolar macrophages in early stage COPD show functional deviations with properties of impaired immune activation
K. Baßler, W. Fujii, T. S. Kapellos, E. Dudkin, N. Reusch, A. Horne, B. Reiz, M. D. Luecken, C. Osei-Sarpong, S. Warnat-Herresthal, L. Bonaguro, J. Schulte-Schrepping, A. Wagner, P. Günther, C. Pizarro, T. Schreiber, R. Knoll, L. Holsten, C. Kröger, E. De Domenico, M. Becker, K. Händler, C. T. Wohnhaas, F. Baumgartner, M. Köhler, H. Theis, M. Kraut, M. H. Wadsworth II, T. K. Hughes, H. J. Ferreira, E. Hinkley, I. H. Kaltheuner, M. Geyer, C. Thiele, A. K. Shalek, A. Feißt, D. Thomas, H. Dickten, M. Beyer, P. Baum, N. Yosef, A. C. Aschenbrenner, T. Ulas, J. Hasenauer, F. J. Theis, D. Skowasch, J. L. Schultze
Frontiers in Immunology , 2022


Metabolic modeling of single Th17 cells reveals regulators of autoimmunity.
A. Wagner*, C. Wang*, D. DeTomaso, J. Avila-Pacheco, S. Zaghouani, J. Fessler, E. Akama-Garren, K. Pierce, N. Ron-Harel, V. Paraskevi Douglas, M. Haigis, R.A. Sobel, C. Clish, A. Regev, V.K. Kuchroo†, N. Yosef†
Cell , 2021
Previewed in Cell; Commentary in Immunometabolism.
Single-cell lineages reveal the rates, routes, and drivers of metastasis in cancer xenografts.
JJ. Quinn*, MG. Jones*, RA. Okimoto, S. Nanjo, MM. Chan, N. Yosef†, TG. Bivona†, JS. Weissman†
Science , 2021
bioRxiv preprint
Joint probabilistic modeling of single-cell multi-omic data with totalVI.
A. Gayoso*, Z. Steier*, R. Lopez, J. Regier, KL. Nazor, A. Streets†, N Yosef†
Nature Methods , 2021
bioRxiv preprint
Reproducibility code
Epitome: predicting epigenetic events in novel cell types with multi-cell deep ensemble learning.
A.K. Morrow, J.W. Hughes, J. Singh, A.D. Joseph, N. Yosef
Nucleic Acids Research , 2021
Identifying Informative Gene Modules Across Modalities of Single Cell Genomics.
D. DeTomaso and N. Yosef
Cell Systems , 2021
Single-cell transcriptomics of the Drosophila wing disc reveals instructive epithelium-to-myoblast interactions.
N. Everetts*, MI .Worley*, R. Yasutomi, N. Yosef†, IK. Hariharan†
eLife , 2021
Benchmarked approaches for reconstruction of in vitro cell lineages and in silico models of C. elegans and M. musculus developmental trees.
W. Gong*, AA Granados*, J Hu*, MG. Jones*, O. Raz*, I. Salvador-Martinez*, H. Zhang*,…, N. Yosef, J. Shendure, M. Telford, E. Shapiro, MB. Elowitz, P. Meyer
Cell Systems , 2021
Reconstructing unobserved cellular states from paired single-cell lineage tracing and transcriptomics data.
K. Ouardini, R. Lopez, MG. Jones, S. Prillo, R. Zhang, MI. Jordan, N. Yosef
ICML 2021 Workshop on Computational Biology , 2021
bioRxiv preprint
Mapping single-cell data to reference atlases by transfer learning
M. Lotfollahi, M. Naghipourfar, M. D. Luecken, M. Khajavi, M. Büttner, M. Wagenstetter, Z. Avsec, A. Gayoso, N. Yosef, M. Interlandi,S. Rybakov, A.V. Misharin, F.J. Theis.
Nature Biotechnology , 2021
T cell self-reactivity during thymic development dictates the timing of positive selection.
LK. Lutes, Z. Steier, LL. McIntyre, S. Pandey, J. Kaminski, AR. Hoover, S. Ariotti, A. Streets, N. Yosef, EA. Robey
eLife , 2021
Polyamine metabolism is a central determinant of helper T cell lineage fidelity
D.J. Puleston, F. Baixauli, D.E. Sanin, J. Edwards-Hicks, M. Villa, A. Kabat, M.M. Kaminski, M. Stanckzak, H.J. Weiss, K.M. Grzes, K. Piletic, C.S. Field, M. Corrado, F. Haessler, C. Wang, Y. Musa, L. Schimmelpfennig, L. Flachsmann, G. Mittler, N. Yosef, V.K Kuchroo, J.M. Buescher, S. Balabanov, E.J. Pearce, D.R. Green, E.L. Pearce
Cell , 2021
bioRxiv preprint
Previewed in Cell
The single-cell epigenomic and transcriptional landscape of immunity to influenza vaccination
F. Wimmers, M. Donato, A. Kuo, T. Ashuach, S. Gupta, C. Li, M. Dvorak, MH. Foecke, SE. Chang, T. Hagan, SE. De Jong, HT. Maecker, R. van der Most, P. Cheung, M. Cortese, SE. Bosinger, M. Davis, N. Rouphael, S. Subramaniam, N. Yosef, PJ. Utz, P. Khatri, B. Pulendran
Cell , 2021
Self-guarding of MORC3 enables virulence factor-triggered immunity
Gaidt, M.M., Morrow, A., Fairgrieve, M.R, Karr, J.P, Yosef, N. Vance, R.E
Nature , 2021


Oleic acid restores suppressive defects in tissue-resident FOXP3 Tregs from patients with multiple sclerosis.
SL. Pompura*, A. Wagner*, A. Kitz, J. LaPerche, N. Yosef†, M. Dominguez-Villar†, DA, Hafler†
The Journal of Clinical Investigation , 2020
Highlighted in The New England Journal of Medicine, clinical implications of basic research
Decision-making with auto-encoding variational Bayes.
R. Lopez, P. Boyeau, N. Yosef, M. Jordan & J. Regier.
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems , 2020
arXiv preprint
Enhancing scientific discoveries in molecular biology with deep generative models.
R. Lopez, A. Gayoso & N. Yosef.
Molecular Systems Biology , 2020
Probabilistic harmonization and annotation of single-cell transcriptomics data with deep generative models.
C. Xu*, R. Lopez*, E. Mehlman*, J. Regier, M.I. Jordan, N. Yosef
Molecular Systems Biology , 2020
Reproducibility code
Integrated single cell analysis of blood and cerebrospinal fluid leukocytes in multiple sclerosis.
D. Schafflick*, C. Xu*, M. Hartlehnert*, M. Cole*, T. Lautwein, K. Buscher, J.Wolbert, SG. Meuth, T. Kuhlmann, C. Gross, H. Wiendl, N. Yosef† , G.M zu Horste†
Nature Communications , 2020
Inference of Single-Cell Phylogenies from Lineage Tracing Data.
MG. Jones*, A. Khodaverdian*, JJ. Quinn*, MM. Chan, JA. Hussmann, R. Wang, C. Xu, JS. Weissman†, N. Yosef†
Genome Biology , 2020
Interpretable factor models of single-cell RNA-seq via variational autoencoders.
V. Svensson, A. Gayoso, N. Yosef, L. Pachter.
Bioinformatics , 2020
Coverage-dependent bias creates the appearance of binary splicing in single cells.
CF. Buen Abad Najar, N. Yosef†, LF. Lareau†.
eLife , 2020
LentiMPRA and MPRAflow for high-throughput functional characterization of gene regulatory elements.
Gordon, M. G., Inoue, F., Martin, B., Schubach, M., Agarwal, V., Whalen, S., Feng, S., Zhao, J., Ashuach, T., Ziffra, R., Kreimer, A., Georgakopoulous-Soares, I., Yosef, N., Ye, C. J., Pollard, K. S., Shendure, J., Kircher, M., & Ahituv, N.
Nature Protocols , 2020


Identification and Massively Parallel Characterization of Regulatory Elements Driving Neural Induction.
F. Inoue*, A. Kreimer*, T. Ashuach, N. Ahituv†, N. Yosef†
Cell Stem Cell , 2019
MPRAnalyze—A statistical framework for Massively Parallel Reporter Assays.
T. Ashuach*, DS Fischer*, FJ Theis, N. Yosef.
Genome Biology , 2019
Functional Interpretation of Single-Cell Similarity Maps.
D. Detomaso*, M. Jones*, M. Subramanian, J. Ye, N. Yosef.
Nature Communications , 2019
Simulating multi-faceted variability in single cell RNA sequencing.
X. Zhang*, C. Xu*, N. Yosef.
Nature Communications , 2019
Reconstructing B cell receptor sequences from short-read single cell RNA-sequencing with BRAPeS.
S. Afik*, G. Raulet* and N. Yosef.
Life Science Alliance , 2019
Meta-analysis of massively parallel reporter assays enables the prediction of regulatory elements.
A. Kreimer*, Z. Yan*, N. Ahituv, N. Yosef
Human Mutation , 2019
Connectivity Problems on Heterogeneous Graphs
J. Wu, A. Khodaverdian, B.Weitz, N. Yosef
Algorithms for Molecular Biology , 2019
Performance Assessment and Selection of Normalization Procedures for Single-Cell RNA-Seq.
MB. Cole, D. Risso, A. Wagner, D. DeTomaso, J. Ngai, E. Purdom, S. Dudoit†, N. Yosef†
Cell Systems , 2019
Mango: Exploratory Data Analysis for Large-Scale Sequencing Datasets.
AK Morrow, GZ He, FA Nothaft, ET Tu, J Paschall, N Yosef, AD. Joseph
Cell Systems , 2019
Molecular recording of mammalian embryogenesis.
MM. Chan, ZD. Smith, S. Grosswendt, H. Kretzmer, TM. Norman, B. Adamson, M. Jost, JJ. Quinn, D. Yang, MG. Jones, A. Khodaverdian, N. Yosef, A. Meissner, JS. Weissman
Nature , 2019
A joint model of unpaired data from scRNA-seq and spatial transcriptomics for imputing missing gene expression measurements.
R. Lopez*, A. Nazaret*, M. Langevin*, J. Samaran*, J. Regier*, M.I. Jordan, N. Yosef
ICML 2019 Workshop on Computational Biology (spotlight presentation; best student’s poster) , 2019
arXiv preprint
Reproducibility code
Deep generative models for detecting differential expression in single cells.
P. Boyeau, R. Lopez, J. Regier, A. Gayoso, MI. Jordan, N. Yosef
Machine Learning in Computational Biology meeting , 2019
bioRxiv preprint
Detecting zero-inflated genes in single-cell transcriptomics data.
O. Clivio, R. Lopez, J. Regier, A. Gayoso, MI. Jordan, N Yosef
Machine Learning in Computational Biology meeting (spotlight presentation) , 2019
bioRxiv preprint
Reproducibility code
A joint model of RNA expression and surface protein abundance in single cells
A. Gayoso, R. Lopez, ZR. Steier, J. Regier, AM Streets, N. Yosef
Machine Learning in Computational Biology meeting , 2019
bioRxiv preprint


Deep generative modeling for single-cell transcriptomics.
R. Lopez, J. Regier, MB. Cole, M. Jordan, N. Yosef.
Nature Methods , 2018
News and Views
A Reproducibility-Based Computational Framework Identifies An Inducible Enhanced Antiviral Dendritic Cell State In HIV-1 Elite Controllers.
EM Gayo, MB. Cole, KE Kolb*, Z. Ouyang, J. Cronin, SW. Kazer, J. Ordovas-Montanes, M. Lichterfeld, BD. Walker, N Yosef†, AK. Shalek†, XG. Yu†
Genome Biology , 2018
Impulse model-based differential expression analysis of time course sequencing data.
DS Fischer, FJ Theis, N. Yosef.
Nucleic Acids Research , 2018
Information constraints on auto-encoding variational Bayes.
R. Lopez, J. Regier, M. Jordan, N. Yosef.
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems , 2018
arXiv preprint
A deep generative model for semi-supervised classification with noisy labels.
M. Langevin, E. Mehlman, J. Regier, R. Lopez, M. Jordan, N. Yosef.
Bay Area Machine Learning Symposium (oral presentation) , 2018
arXiv preprint


A deep generative model for gene expression profiles from single-cell RNA sequencing.
R. Lopez, J. Regier, M. Jordan, N. Yosef.
BayLearn Symposium (oral presentation) and NIPS Workshop on Machine Learning in Computational Biology (spotlight talk) , 2017
arXiv preprint
A new way to build cell lineages.
X. Zhang and N. Yosef.
eLife , 2017
Predicting gene expression in massively parallel reporter assays: a comparative study.
A. Kreimer, H. Zeng, MD. Edwards, Y. Guo, K. Tian, S. Shin, R. Welch, M. Wainberg, R. Mohan, NA. Sinnott-Armstrong, Y. Li, G. Eraslan, T.l Bin AMIN, J. Goke, NS. Mueller, M. Kellis, A. Kundaje, MA Beer, S. Keles, DK. Gifford and N. Yosef†.
Human Mutation , 2017
An Integrative Framework Reveals Signaling-to-Transcription Events in Toll-like Receptor Signaling.
P. Mertins, D. Przybylski, N. Yosef, J. Qiao, K. Clauser, R. Raychowdhury, TM. Eisenhaure, T. Maritzen, V. Haucke, T. Satoh, S. Akira, SA. Carr, A. Regev, N. Hacohen, N. Chevrier.
Cell Reports , 2017
Deconstructing Olfactory Stem Cell Trajectories at Single-Cell Resolution.
RB. Fletcher, D. Das, L. Gadye, KN. Street, A. Baudhuin, A. Wagner, MB. Cole, Q. Flores, YG. Choi, N. Yosef, E. Purdom, S. Dudoit, D. Risso, J. Ngai.
Cell Stem Cell , 2017
Injury Activates Transient Olfactory Stem Cell States with Diverse Lineage Capacities.
L. Gadye, D. Das, MA. Sanchez, K. Street, A. Bauduin, A. Wagner, MB. Cole, YG Choi, N. Yosef ,E. Purdom, S. Dudoit, D. Risso, J. Ngai, RB. Fletcher.
Cell Stem Cell , 2017
Use antibiotics in cell culture with caution: genome-wide identification of antibiotic-induced changes in gene expression and regulation.
AH. Ryu, WL. Eckalbar, A. Kreimer, N. Yosef, Nadav Ahituv.
Scientific Reports , 2017
Critical role of IRF1 and BATF in forming chromatin landscape during type 1 regulatory cell differentiation.
K. Karwacz, ER. Miraldi, M. Pokrovskii, A. Madi, N. Yosef, I. Wortman, X. Chen, A. Watters, N. Carriero, A. Awasthi, A. Regev, R. Bonneau, D. Littman, VK. Kuchroo.
Nature Immunology , 2017


The Epigenetic Landscape of T Cell Exhaustion
D.R. Sen*, J. Kaminski*, R.A Barnitz, M. Kurachi, U. Gerdemann, K.B. Yates, H Tsao, J. Godec, M.W. LaFleur, F.D. Brown, P. Tonnerre, R.T. Chung, D.C. Tully, T.M. Allen, N. Frahm, G.M. Lauer, E. J. Wherry, N. Yosef†, and W.N. Haining†.
Science , 2016
Featured on journal’s cover, Perspectives: [Science], [Nature]
Writ large: Genomic Dissection of the Effect of Cellular Environment on Immune Response.
N. Yosef† and A. Regev†
Science , 2016
Revealing the vectors of cellular identity with single cell genomics
A. Wagner, A. Regev*, N. Yosef*
Nature Biotechnology , 2016
FastProject: A Tool for Low-Dimensional Analysis of Single-Cell RNA-Seq Data
D. DeTomaso, N. Yosef.
BMC Bioinformatics , 2016
ImpulseDE: detection of differentially expressed genes in time series data using impulse models/
J. Sander, J. Schultze, N. Yosef.
Bioinformatics , 2016
Available on Bioconductor
Convolutional Kitchen Sinks for Transcription Factor Binding Site Prediction
A. Morrow*, V. Shankar*, A. Joseph, B. Recht, and N. Yosef.
NeurIps Workshop on Machine Learning in Computational Biology , 2016
Protein Sialylation Regulates a Gene Expression Signature that Promotes Breast Cancer Cell Pathogenicity
Kohnz RA, Roberts LS, DeTomaso D, Bideyan L, Yan P, Bandyopadhyay S, Goga A, Yosef N, Nomura DK
ACS Chem Biol , 2016


Single-Cell Genomics Unveils Critical Regulators of Th17 Cell Pathogenicity.
JT. Gaublomme*, N. Yosef*, Y. Lee, RS. Gertner, LV. Yang, PP. Pandolfi, T. Mak, R. Satija, AK. Shalek, VK. Kuchroo, A. Regev, H. Park.
Cell , 2015
News and Views
Featured on journal’s cover
CD5L/AIM Regulates Lipid Biosynthesis and Restrains Th17 Cell Pathogenicity
C. Wang, N. Yosef, JT. Gaublomme, C. Wu, Y. Lee, CB. Clish, J. Kaminski, S. Xiao, G. Meyer Zu Horste, M. Pawlak, Y. Kishi, N. Joller, K. Karwacz, C. Zhu, M. Ordovas-Montanes, A. Madi, I. Wortman, T. Miyazaki, RA. Sobel, H. Park, A. Regev, VK. Kuchroo.
Cell , 2015
Combinatorial proteomic analysis of intercellular signaling applied to the CD28 T-cell costimulatory receptor
R. Tian, H. Wang, GD. Gish, E. Petsalaki, A. Pasculescu, Y. Shi, M. Mollenauer, RD. Bagshaw, N. Yosef, T. Hunter, AC. Gingras, A. Weiss, and T. Pawson.
PNAS , 2015
Oct1 and OCA-B are selectively required for CD4 memory T cell function
Shakya A, Goren A, Shalek A, German CN, Snook J, Kuchroo VK, Yosef N, Chan RC, Regev A, Williams MA, Tantin D.
J Exp Med. , 2015
Pluripotency transcription factor Oct4 mediates stepwise nucleosome demethylation and depletion
A. Shakya, C. Callister C, A. Goren, N. Yosef, N. Garg, V. Khoddami V, D. Nix, A. Regev, D. Tantin D.
Molecular and cellular biology , 2015
MicroRNA-21 promotes Th17 differentiation and mediates experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis
G. Murugaiyan G, AP. da Cunha, AK. Ajay, N. Joller, LP. Garo, S. Kumaradevan, N. Yosef, VS Vaidya, HL. Weiner.
The Journal of Clinical Investigation (JCI) , 2015


Small-Molecule RORγt Antagonists Inhibit T Helper 17 Cell Transcriptional Network by Divergent Mechanisms
S. Xiao*, N. Yosef*, J. Yang, Y. Wang, L. Zhou, C. Zhu, E Baloglu, D. Schmidt, R. Ramesh, M. Lobera, M.S. Sundrud, P. Tsai, Z. Xiang, J. Wang, Y. Xu, X. Lin, K. Kretschmer, P.B. Rahl, R.A. Young, Z. Zhong, D.A. Hafler, A. Regev, S. Ghosh, A. Marson, V.K. Kuchroo.
Immunity , 2014
Understanding Th17 cells through systematic genomic analyses
A. Peters, N. Yosef
Current Opinion in Immunology , 2014
The transcription factor BATF operates as an essential differentiation checkpoint in early effector CD8+ T cells
M. Kurachi, R.A. Barnitz, N. Yosef, P.M. Odorizzi, M.A. Dilorio, M.E. Lemieux, K. Yates, J. Godec, M.G. Klatt, A. Regev, E.J Wherry, W.N. Haining
Nature Immunology , 2014
Single cell RNA Seq reveals dynamic paracrine control of cellular variation
A. Shalek, R. Satija, J. Shuga, J. Trombetta, D. Gennert, D. Lu, P. Chen, R. Gertner, J. Gaublomme, N. Yosef, S. Schwartz, B. Fowler, S. Weaver, J. Wang, X. Wang, R. Ding, R. Raychowdhury, N. Friedman, N. Hacohen, H. Park, A. May, A. Regev.
Nature , 2014


Dynamic regulatory network controlling TH17 cell differentiation
N. Yosef*, A.K. Shalek*, J. Gaublomme*, Y. Lee, A. Awasthi, H. Jin, C. Wu, K. Karwacz, S. Xiao, M. Jorgolli, D. Gennert, R. Satija, A. Shakya, D.Y. Lu, J.J. Trombetta, M. Pillai, P.J. Ratcliffe, M.L. Coleman, M. Bix, D. Tantin, H. Park, V.K Kuchroo, A. Regev.
Nature , 2013
Induction of pathogenic TH17 cells by inducible salt-sensing kinase SGK1
C. Wu*, N.Yosef*, T. Thalhamer*, C. Zhu, S. Xiao, Y. Kishi, A. Regev, V.K. Kuchroo.
Nature , 2013
Sodium Chloride Drives Autoimmune Disease by the Induction of Pathogenic Th17 Cells
M. Kleinewietfeld, A. Manzel, J. Titze, H. Kvakan, N. Yosef, R.A. Linker, D.N. Muller, D.A. Hafler.
Nature , 2013
Single-cell transcriptomics reveals bimodality in expression and splicing in immune cells
AK. Shalek, R. Satija, X. Adiconis, RS. Gertner, JT. Gaublomme, R. Raychowdhury, S. Schwartz, N. Yosef, C. Malboeuf, D. Lu, JT. Trombetta, D. Gennert, A. Gnirke, A. Goren, N. Hacohen, JZ. Levin, H. Park, Aviv Regev.
Nature , 2013
Metallothioneins negatively regulate IL-27-induced type 1 regulatory T-cell differentiation
C. Wu, C. Pot, L. Apetoh, T. Thalhamer, B. Zhu, G. Murugaiyan, S. Xiao, Y. Lee, M. Rangachari, N. Yosef, VK. Kuchroo.
Proc Natl Acad Sci USA , 2013


A high throughput in vivo protein-DNA mapping approach reveals principles of dynamic gene regulation in mammals
M. Garber*, N. Yosef*, A. Goren, R. Raychowdhury, A. Thielke, M. Guttman, J. Robinson, B. Minie, N. Chevrier, Z. Itzhaki, A. Weiner, D. Friedrich, J. Meldrim, O. Ram, C. Chang, A. Gnirke, S. Fisher, N. Friedman, B. Wong, B. Bernstein, C. Nusbaum, N. Hacohen, A. Regev, I. Amit.
Molecular Cell , 2012
Systematic identification of gene annotation errors in the widely used yeast mutation collections
T. Ben-Shitrit*, N. Yosef*, K. Shemesh, R. Sharan, E. Ruppin and M. Kupiec
Nature Methods , 2012
Induction and molecular signature of pathogenic TH17 cells
Y. Lee, A. Awasthi, N. Yosef, F.J. Quintana, S. Xiao, S. Kunder, R.A. Sobel, A. Regev, V.K. Kuchroo.
Nature Immunology , 2012
Nanowire-Mediated Delivery Enables Functional Interrogation of Primary Immune Cells: Application to the Analysis of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
A.K. Shalek, J. Gaublomme, L. Wang, N. Yosef, N. Chevrier, M.S. Andersen, J.T. Robinson, N. Pochet, D. Neuberg, R.S. Gertner, I. Amit, J.R. Brown, N. Hacohen, A. Regev, C.V. Wu, H. Park.
Nano Letters , 2012
Met kinetic signature derived from the response to HGF/SF in a cellular model predicts breast cancer patient survival
G.Y. Stein, N. Yosef, H. Reichman, J. Horev, A. Laser-Azogui, A. Berens, J. Resau, E. Ruppin, R. Sharan and I. Tsarfaty.
PLoS One , 2012


Impulse control: Temporal dynamics in gene transcription
N. Yosef, A. Regev.
Cell , 2011
Included in Cell’s top reviews for 2011. Featured on journal’s cover.
ANAT – A Software Tool for Reconstructing and Analyzing Functional Networks of Proteins
N. Yosef, E. Zalckvar, N. Atias, AD. Rubinstein, M. Homilius, L. Vardi, H. Zur, A. Kimchi, E. Ruppin, and R. Sharan.
Science Signaling , 2011
Densely Interconnected Transcriptional Circuits Control Cell States in Human Hematopoiesis
N.Novershtern, A. Subramanian, L. Lawton, RH. Mak, W. Haining, ME. McConkey, N. Habib, N. Yosef, CY. Chang, T. Shay, GM. Frampton, ACB. Drake, I. Leskov, B. Nilsson, F. Preffer, D. Dombkowski, JW. Evans, T. Liefeld, JS. Smutko, J. Chen, N. Friedman, R. Young, T. Golub, A. Regev, BL. Ebert.
Cell , 2011
Combinatorial patterning of chromatin regulators uncovered by genome-wide location analysis in human cells
O. Ram, A. Goren, I. Amit, N. Shoresh, N. Yosef, J. Ernst, M. Kellis, M. Gymrek, R. Issner, M. Coyne, T. Durham, X. Zhang, J. Donaghey, CB. Epstein, A. Regev, and BE. Bernstein.
Cell , 2011
Systematic Discovery of Signaling Components Identifies New Branches in Viral-Sensing Pathways
N. Chevrier P. Mertins, MN Artyomov, AK Shalek, M Iannacone, MF Ciaccio, I Gat-Viks, E Tonti, MM DeGrace, KR Clauser, M Garber, TM Eisenhaure, N Yosef, JT Robinson, A Sutton, MS Andersen, DE Root U von Andrian, RB Jones, H Park, SA Carr, A Regev, I Amit, N Hacohen.
Cell , 2011


Network-free inference of knockout effects in yeast
T. Peleg, N. Yosef, E. Ruppin, and R. Sharan.
PLoS Computational Biology , 2010
Prediction of Phenotype Information from Genotype Data
N.Yosef, J. Gramm, Q. Wang, W.S. Noble, R. Karp, and R. Sharan.
Communications in Information and Systems , 2010
A Systems Level Strategy for Analyzing the Cell Death Network: implications in exploring the apoptosis/ autophagy connection
E. Zalckvar, N. Yosef, S. Reef, R. Sharan, E. Ruppin, and A. Kimchi.
Cell Death and Differentiation , 2010
Transcription Regulation by CHIP/LDB Complexes
R. Bronstein, L. Levkovitz, N. Yosef, E. Ruppin, R. Sharan, He. Westphal, B. Oliver, D. Segal.
PLoS Genetics , 2010
A novel HMM-based method for detecting enriched transcription factor binding sites reveals RUNX3 as a potential target in pancreatic cancer biology
L. Levkovitz, N. Yosef, MC. Gershengorn, E. Ruppin, R. Sharan and Y. Oron.
PLoS ONE , 2010


Toward Accurate Reconstruction of Functional Protein Networks
N.Yosef*, L. ungar*, E. Zalckvar, A.Kimchi, M.Kupeic, E. Ruppin and R. Sharan.
Molecular Systems Biology , 2009
A Complex-Centric View of Protein Network Evolution
N.Yosef, M.Kupeic, E. Ruppin and R. Sharan.
Nucleic Acids Research , 2009
A genome-wide screen for essential yeast genes that affect telomere length maintenance
L. Ungar*, N.Yosef*, Y. Sela, R. Sharan, E. Ruppin, M. Kupiec.
Nucleic Acids Research , 2009
Metabolic environmental modeling predicts ecological strategies for bacterial growth
S. Freilich, A. Kreimer, E. Borenstein, N.Yosef, R. Sharan, U. Gophna, E. Ruppin.
Genome Biology , 2009


Cross-species Analysis of Protein-protein Interaction Networks
N.Yosef, E. Ruppin and R. Sharan.
In Protein-protein interactions and networks: identification analysis and prediction, Panchenko& Przytycka (ed) pp 163-186. Springer , 2008
Improved Network-based Identification of Protein Orthologs
N.Yosef, R. Sharan and W. S. Noble.
Bioinformatics 24 (ECCB 2008) , 2008
From sequence to structure to networks
N. Yosef, L. Käll.
Genome Biology , 2008


A Supervised Approach for Identifying Discriminating Genotype Patterns and its Application to Breast Cancer Data
N.Yosef, Z.Yakhini, A.Tsalenko, E.Ruppin and R.Sharan
Bioinformatics 23 (ECCB 2006) , 2007
Medical sequencing at the extremes of human body mass
N. Ahituv, N. Kavaslar, W. Schackwitz, A. Ustaszewska, J. Martin, S. Hébert, H. Doelle, B. Ersoy, G. Kryukov, S. Schmidt, N. Yosef, E. Ruppin, R. Sharan, C. Vaisse, S. Sunyaev, R. Dent, J. Cohen, R. McPherson, and L.A. Pennacchio.
American Journal of Human Genetics , 2007


Inferring Functional Pathways from Multi-Perturbation Data
N. Yosef, A. Kaufman and E. Ruppin
Bioinformatics (ISMB 2006) , 2006